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Strehlow on Playitlouder: creativity not on autopilot

strehlow play it louder

Our friends from Playitlouder regularly release awesome compilations, and #PIL6 gets a new addition! Stehlow unveils ‘Devaston ft. Yasmeena’ on the tail of his collaborative EP ‘Don't Walk on the Sidewalk’ with Ian Ewing and SunBLVD.


Strehlow's tracks typically reflect hip hop, R n B, and lo-fi vibed influences. With a focus on the sensual, the artist’s latest ‘Devaston’ begs to be paired with a glass of blood-red, musty wine as the vintage feel takes you to some long forgotten speakeasy. Strehlow's contribution to the PIL6 compilation makes for a cohesive ride you will not want to end.

Playitlouder is a magnet for open minded, creative humans and Playitlouder Vol. 6 is a culmination of that talent exposing the freshest mix of the smoothest eclectic beat makers to date. Canadian curator and PIL creator, Zach Dufresne, chose sounds to relax your body and soul while keeping your mind dancing ... or otherwise occupied. Four years deep into this extravaganza, the PIL project continues connecting people to new artists and artists to each other as well, continually providing musical growth to the industry and more importantly, the individual. A sneak peak of the unfinished project is available on SoundCloud glittered with chill tracks from Sofasound, falcxne, and Late June to start. Keep your eyes and mind peeled for the complete Playitlouder Vol. 6 expected to be released mid-March.


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