The Belgian master of melodic deep is here again: Sander W. presents us his brand new original together with Alexandra, and it's another one certified to bring chillness to your life!
Sander and Alexandra already collaborated 2 years ago, with the help of Jiinio. That track, currently at almost half a million plays on Spotify, was actually the reason I got to know him in the first place! "I had no choice but working together with Alexandra again", Sander adds. "We actually live quite close and if it were up to me, this second collab would've happened much earlier! But unfortunately there's something called study and exams... When I suggested 'Alive' however she quickly came over to my studio and this is were the fire started again!"
The original will be accompanied by some remixes, of which Sander's own Sunset remix adds some lovely saxophone, and there's one coming by one of our own artists!